This is my “drawing board” where I’m going to “Brain Dump”
To Do list:
- Develop a list of long- and short-term Action Items for Project Aurora
- RECORD EVERYTHING, take pictures at meetings, video whenever feasible
- Seek out help on ITAR regulations
- Seek advice on intellectual property “waiver paragraph” for open-source work
- Fundraise for Aurora Phase 1 ($200K)
- Decide on criteria for phase 1 judges
- recruit phase 1 judges
- plan the aurora phase 1 culmination event.
- find judges “present”/art
- find peer reviewed trophy/prize/art
- brainstorm for phase 2 activities
- plan the phase 2 kick off activity
- Develop a list of long- and short-term Action Items for Mach 30
- Follow up with J’s contacts from the ISPCS
- RECORD EVERYTHING, take pictures at meetings, video whenever feasible
- Produce a very generic and all inclusive presentation for communications purposes
- Start compiling a list of “stakeholders” (ie Rolodex)
- Incorporate
- Find an umbrella 501c3 organization
- Open a bank account
- Develop more pics and graphics for marketing/advertizing materials
- Discuss the proposed path to the long term vision
- Organize for influx of volunteers (recruiting plan)
- Develop a fundraising plan (raffle off a $25 “vomit comet” ride)
Strategically Developed Long Term Path:
- Aurora class RLV (4-6 years)-
- phase 1 – concept design competition
- small (crew)
- orbital (km)
- short duration (orbits)
- reusable (x flt/y weeks)
- phase 2 – refine designs
- phase 3 – flight worthy prototype development
- phase 1 – concept design competition
- Medium sized RLV (6-12 years)
- 3 crew
- orbital
- reusable
- functional (payload, science, docking, etc)
- Larrge sized RLV (6-20 years)
- Crew+passengers
- orbital
- reusable
- +capacity (payload, docking, transportation, etc)
Other parallel plans:
- Competitions for larger concept designs
- System Engineering design studies
- Prototype manufacturing and Developement
- Developmental and Operational Testing.
- Facility construction/development
- Ground station for orbital operations
- Continue to form organizational relationships/Networking
Phase 1 culmination event: Award Conference, Banquet, Ceremony
- Held within 2 months of submission deadline
- Day zero
- Evening Social
- (0 or 1) Sponsors Welcome message
- (0 or 1) Judges Announce the 5-6 finalists
- (0 or 1) Present Space contest video
- Day 1
- Review the Process of the weekend
- <break> go right into finalist presentations
- Finalist show and tell (20 min) <break and set up time>
- Finalist show and tell (20 min) <break and set up time>
- Finalist show and tell (20 min) <break and set up time>
- Finalist show and tell (20 min) <break and set up time>
- Finalist show and tell (20 min) <break and set up time>
- Finalist show and tell (20 min) <break and set up time>
- Keynote speaker (option 2)
- Wrap up of day 1
- Video, promo video, demo
- Dismiss for dinner
- Day 2 – facilitated discussion, for peer review
- Plenary session – review today’s events
- Break out sessions (need a facilitator, team members are the “panel”, Q&A to dive into system concept, explain analysis and design trade offs, limited to 30 minutes?
- Session 1 <reset break>
- Session 2 <reset break>
- Session 3 <reset break>
- Session 4 <reset break>
- Session 5 <reset break>
- Session 6 <reset break>
- Keynote speaker (option 1)
- Tally Votes
- “Year in review” video
- Formal Award ceremony
- cash prizes awarded, peer reviewed prize awarded
- -or-
- Award dinner/banquet (with keynote speaker as option 3)
- cash prizes awarded, peer reviewed prize awarded
- Dismiss until… [phase 2? next year?] dont leave it open ended?